Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Swimsuit TEST

Photo Credit:
Weight loss this week: 0 lbs.
Weight loss total: 32 lbs.

" Fear is what stops you... courage is what keeps you going."

I'm back... Haven't blog since last week but I've been around listening but quiet. I hope everyone had a great weekend. This weekend was the weekend my family decided it was time to go swimsuit shopping. Before you know it our vacation time will be here. Kids were easy to shop for and so was my hubby. I on the other hand dreaded it. First I was slightly excited since I've lost a good 32 lbs. all together since being in this community. I've gained back a pound since last week. :( .. Back to my swimsuit shopping. I wanted to look for a one piece. Wasn't ready for a two piece yet. My abs are not were i want them to be. Though I have been working on them. I grab a size Medium. It said it was a size 8/9. I figured I would fit it. I'm a size 7/8. No sweat. I cried when I put them on. Not happy tears but upset tears. It didn't fit... I had to have my husband grab the next size up. A Large 10/11. It fit. I felt like I've gone back 2 steps. I was so upset. Though my husband kept assuring me that it was fine. I didn't feel fine. He says it's because I have big boobs.  I know I've made progress and I've gone down in sizes just shopping for swimsuit makes it depressing. Has anyone else have this problem or am the only one??

My next step is not dwelling on it too much and I'm going to keep exercising and keep doing my steps. Hopefully by the time I leave for vacation my swimsuit will be a little loose. Hope everyone has a great week!

Also don't forget to join us on  Mamavation TV Monday night 7pm PST/10pm EST with Special guest Shelia Cluff. Please continue to support our Mamavation Moms Wendy’s (@WeightsOver) and Hanan (@LilacCityMomma). They are doing FANTASTIC!!! Welcome back Kat (@casadirosati).

“This post is sponsored by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway” 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Missed Steps...

Photo Credit:

"If you are going through hell, keep going.” ― Winston Churchill

Weight loss this week : 0 lbs.
Weight loss total: 33 lbs.

This past week has been a roller coaster. On top of school, work and every day life I feel like I've missed a step some where. I feel like I've lost my footing and I can't get to seem to get back on track. I feel like everytime I take a step I keep slipping. Just like the picture of the water falling on the steps. I can't seem to get my footing back to get back on top. And it just plain PISSES ME OFF!! 

 I have been sick this past week with strep so that completely through me off my workout schedule. Still recovering from it but I feel worn out. I've just finished my last day for my english class and in a week I will be doing another psychology class. Though I love psychology I feel a little overwhelmed with everything. I feel like I can't seem to catch my breath. Always on the go. Have you ever felt that way? Always on the go and can't seem to fit anything in? I need to get back on track on my workout schedule.

I did start off today on a good note. I did work out. I did my hip hop abs dvd and it felt good to workout .

I do have some good news. We've booked our Jamaica trip! So around this time next month I will be on a beach in Jamaica with the hubby and the kiddos. Guess it's one incentive to keep on going in getting back on track. Have to get bathing suit ready. :)

I haven't gain any weight this week or loss any. I've hit a plateau again.. Not losing any weight and not gaining is irritating all at the same time. I am glad that this monday's mamavation tv is about that interesting topic. I can't wait because I need some advice on getting off this plateau and get moving.

Congratulations to the new mamvation mom's!! I couldn't be at the twitter party due to having strep but I did hear about it later. Congratulation ladies!!  Wendy @Weightisover and Hanan (@LilacCityMomma) I can't waiting to see where this journey takes both of you.

So don't forget to join us for mamavation tv.  Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV.

“This post is sponsored by Dole and hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway